Quantum Coin Documentation
Welcome to Quantum Coin. Get familiar with Quantum Coin platform and it''s ecosystem.
Quantum Coin was previous known under the moniker Doge Protocol.
Getting coins for tokens using Desktop Wallet.
Beta version of Android Wallet for Mainnet and Testnet T4 has been released.
Getting coins for tokens using CLI wallet.
Validator staking, deposit, withdrawal and setup, connections instructions.
Also see, block allocation and rewards.
DPIP - Quantum Coin Improvement Proposals has been released.
The Vision of Quantum Coin.
Quantum Resistance
Quantum Resistance in the Quantum Coin blockchain.
Smart Contracts
Smart Contract support in the Quantum Coin blockchain.
Proof of Stake consensus.
Data Availability
Data Availability, long term and short term.
Blockchain Allocation
Bitcoin + Ethereum + Dogecoin + DogeP multi-fork.
Dynamic TPS
Dynamic Transactions Per Second model.
Block Explorer
DPscan Blockchain Explorer.
Download blockchain node client software.
Source code, documentation are maintained in Github.
Quantum Coin Improvement Proposals